About Conference

The history of conferences on Physics and Technology of Thin Films began in 1975.

Since 2017, by the initiative of the Ukrainian Physical Society and the Organizing Committee, the Conference has been named after its founder, a renowned Ukrainian scientist and Professor at Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Dmytro Freik.

The ICPTTFN Conference covers a wide range of topics related to thin-film and nanostructural materials science, including thin film technologies, nanotechnologies, nanomaterials, and quantum-size structures. It also focuses on the physical and chemical properties of thin films and nanostructures, approaches to physical and mathematical modeling of nanoscale objects (both analytical and computational), and applied aspects of these issues – thin-film components of electronic devices, particularly devices for photoelectronics, spintronics, nanoelectronics, and nanophotonics.

The conference has been continuously expanding its scope. In 2023, an important addition was made to the conference’s themes, related to the biomedical applications of thin films and nanosystems. This aligns with Ukraine’s strengths in the global scientific community and its aspirations to remain among the leaders in current research on the micro- and nanoscale. From 2025, the Conference themes will further broaden to include more applied applications: thin films and nanosystems for space, energy, medicine, security, and more.

The relevance of the Conference’s topics has made it well-known both in Ukraine and internationally. Throughout its history, the Conference has been attended by prominent scientists from leading global research centers.

Traditionally, the conference materials are recommended for publication in specialized peer-reviewed journals and special issues. In 2019 and 2021, the conference materials were published in Materials Today: Proceedings by Elsevier, as well as in the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University’s journal Physics and Chemistry of Solid State (Q3).