Welcome to ICPTTFN-XX

Registration form:

Important data

10.09.2025 – Abstract submission deadline
01.10.2023 – Deadline for Organizing Fee (on-line participation)
06.10.2023 – Deadline for Organizing Fee (in-person participation)
06.10.2023 – Registration of participants, Opening of Conference
06-10.10.2023 – Conference sessions


  1. Thin films technology and research methods.

  2. Theoretical investigation: thin films and nanomaterials.

  3. Physical-chemical properties of thin films.

  4. Nano- and thin films applications: energy, biotechnology & medicine, defense, space, etc.

  5. Functional crystalline materials and materials with nanoinclusions.

  6. Nano- and Thin films: History of inventions and features of University’s educational programs.

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